Let me tell you a rather humbling story.

There was a time – a much longer time than I’d like to admit, but I’mma admit it anyway – when I was “thatperson. 

The one who took whatever I could get. 

The one who said yes to clients who, after the number of hours I poured into their businesses, were paying me about $50 per hour for my expertise and skills – even though they themselves charged $500 or $1,000 per hour for their services.

(These were people who positioned themselves as “spiritual” entrepreneurs working to create a better world for all. The irony is not lost on me.)

I justified this kind of repeated behavior with the usual reasons:

  • “I can’t afford to be picky right now.”

  • “This will lead to better clients, eventually.”

  • “They’ll refer me, and my business will expand.”

Spoiler alert: none of that worked out.

Those kinds of contracts didn’t lead to better clients; they led to more of the same. 

The referrals I received were often for clients who wanted bargain rates for premium work, and saw me as more of a worker bee than a high-level, trusted advisor.

Worse still, I’d watch these same clients fork over $10K to someone else for a half-day consultation — only to come back with advice I’d already been giving them for years. Meanwhile, my “hourly” rate for the same insights worked out to a fraction of that $10K price tag.

It’s an interesting thing, human nature: we tend to equate price with value. If you’re undercharging, it can unintentionally send a message that you’re not as valuable — or not worth listening to.

And that’s exactly how I felt. Undervalued. Underestimated. And, as a result, underpaid for the considerable strengths I brought to the table.

But look – I’m not here to complain. Because after putting up with this situation for quite some time, I finally came to realize — the responsibility for the issue lay squarely at my own feet.

Why? Because I was teaching people how to treat me. 

My self-concept – the way I regarded my own value – was signaling loud and clear: “I’ll take crumbs if that’s what you’re offering.” 

Was it any surprise they obliged?

The truth I had to learn the hard way (and that I hope will save you some time and heartache) was: 

The way people treat you is a direct reflection of how you treat yourself.

When you walk into a room (or a Zoom session, or a phone call) as someone who isn’t 100% grounded in their own worth, it shows. 

When you accept less than you deserve because you’re afraid there’s nothing better out there, it’s obvious.

But when you shift your self-concept – when you show up as someone who knows their skills are highly valuable, who owns their expertise with confidence, and who unapologetically sets boundaries around what they will and won’t accept – the entire game changes.

When I finally stopped taking scraps and started owning my role as the leader and transformational coach I am, the clients I attracted magically “changed.” 

Suddenly, the clients who appeared valued my work and were happy to pay premium rates based on that value.

But I had to value myself and my work first.

Truth: your self-concept is the foundation of your business. 

It’s the filter through which every opportunity, every client interaction, every price negotiation flows.

  • If you believe you should “take what you can get” or you “need” that gig, your clients will treat you that way.

  • If you see yourself as the go-to expert who delivers real transformation, your clients will treat you like the asset you are.

This isn’t woo-woo or wishful thinking, by the way (though there is a bit of magic to it in the energy you bring). 

At its heart, though, it’s basic human psychology. People mirror who you’re being.

That’s why making a $100k transformation starts with you.

Most of my clients today come to me because they’re ready to stop being underestimated — by their own clients, by other important people in their lives, by their industry… and, ultimately, by themselves.

When you’re ready to stop being underestimated and start building a six-figure (and beyond) business, here are the basic shifts you need to make:

  1. Decide that you’re worth it. Seriously, stop waiting for someone else to grant you permission to be the leader you are. You’re the one who has to believe it first. If you, like me, are trained in the idea that “if you work harder and longer than your peers, you’ll get promoted” you must disabuse yourself of that notion as a small business owner. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bring your full self to your work – just that you should look at your work as value-based and stop slogging away for hours on deliverables.

  2. Raise your standards. That might mean saying no to clients who want to nickel-and-dime you. It might mean rewriting your offers or reworking your rates. It will definitely mean walking away from projects and people that don’t align with your values.

  3. Show up as the expert. Stop hiding behind “nice” emails and passive language. Speak like the authority you are. Lead your clients, don’t follow them. This is probably the #1 shift you can make that will transform your client relationships, because the reason most people are working long hours is because their clients want low-value deliverables that they, as the expert, should be pushing back on (more about that below).

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t deliver outstanding service!

There’s a HUGE difference between delivering great service to someone who values your expertise – and over-functioning for someone who believes you should be able to spit out X number of deliverables for Y dollars in Z amount of time.


As a coach and strategist (and when I am creating done-for-you services) I deeply care about making my clients feel appreciated, and delivering excellent work.

Nowadays, though, when I show up in my expertise, it’s about guiding the client to solutions that move the needle, instead of doing a bunch of “busywork” that, in truth, simply wastes everyone’s resources.

It’s possible I’m not a great “team player” unless I’m leading the team, to be honest.

However, you are likely the same way. You’re not here to be led around, but to lead – and if so, it’s more important than ever that you determine exactly how you can best lead your clients to success.

This allows you to have MAXIMUM impact without having to slog away for hours at projects, tasks, or ideas that you know in your heart aren’t valuable anyway (and which then eat into your rates).

The advice applies to you no matter what market you are serving.

If you’re in the health and wellness field – you know a lot more about what works to achieve your clients’ goals than they do. So lead them. Don’t allow them to waste both of your time by getting sidetracked with gimmicks and tactics you know won’t work for them.

Same with relationships. If you have specialized expertise, experience, and knowledge – it’s your job to help your clients transform their relationships with those skills rather than their own random ideas (isn’t that why they hired you in the first place?).

And it’s the same with financial consulting, business consulting, coaching, or any other service-based field. Whether you’re a designer, writer, artist, or spiritual guide — your clients hire you for your specialized expertise, vision, and experience. 

It’s your job to lead them with that knowledge, not let them get distracted by trends or their own untested ideas. 

When you stay true to what you know works, you help your clients achieve real, lasting transformation in a shorter time frame – while also preserving your time and energy.

Bottom line: becoming a powerful leader in your work isn’t about “demanding” respect from others. 

It’s more about embodying self-respect. 

(And when you do that, you’ll actually find it easier to give respect to others. So this isn’t about becoming entitled or difficult to work with. Far from it!))

The simple truth is that, when you respect yourself, your time, and your skills, the right people will respond.

And the wrong ones? Well, they’ll weed themselves out. They’ll be turned off by your messaging, your offers, or your entire “vibe” – which’ll leave you with plenty of space for the clients and opportunities that do love your vibe.

This shift doesn’t just transform your income; it transforms the entire way you approach (and feel about) your work. Not only will you enjoy your work so much more, but your clients will get better results because when you’re seen as valuable — not just someone there to “get stuff done” — you create a level of trust and authority that inspires superior results.

And that, my friend, is priceless.

So, what’s one step you can take today to start shifting your self-concept? What’s one thing you’re no longer willing to tolerate?

Take that step now. Begin to embody your value, refuse to be underestimated, and step fully into being the powerful leader you are.

Running a transformational service-based business is different than any other business out there. Your clients have to bring their own commitment to the process — so marketing hits different for them. The decision-making process requires you do the opposite of almost everything you may have learned. And your own mindset, energy, and heart need to be aligned for your work to work.
I’m Helen Hunter Mackenzie, positioning expert and business strategist for impact-driven entrepreneurs working in the transformational field. I’ll help you differentiate your work, create strong messaging to articulate that difference, and streamline your marketing & revenue strategy so can focus only on attracting high-quality clients and building $10K+ months (and beyond).
Book a complimentary 6-Figure Strategy Session with me, where together we'll uncover the simplest, most high-leverage shifts you can make right now to start building 6-figure success with more ease and a whole lot less overwhelm. 
Schedule your complimentary (no-obligation) 30-minute session today! 📆

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