What if one simple shift could change your whole life for the better?

Introducing Third Option™ Coaching

A harm-free approach to miraculous personal transformation and powerful business growth.

Let’s face it, the world isn’t getting any less complex, and business isn’t getting any easier. And if you’re like most busy professionals, there are big dreams and goals you still haven’t reached, despite your best intentions.

So, what if there were a reliable, fun, and effective way to do more with less — no matter how complex the world gets or how busy your life becomes? What if you could breeze past your previous limitations with ease, without putting your nervous system on the fritz or succumbing to hustle culture?

Third Option Coaching combines powerful, grounded psychotherapeutic practices with profound spiritual wisdom and an unparalleled method to ignite real transformation. With a blend of evidence-based tools and intuitive insights, you'll not only gain clarity and support but also experience breakthrough changes around even your toughest, most long-standing challenges. Within a space where you’re truly seen, heard, and honored, you’ll transform the impossible into the possible.

The Third Option Method offers a fun, fresh, and powerful new approach to transformation, one that moves beyond the “hustle,” discipline, and struggle that are so common in our culture.

Drawing from over thirty years of business expertise, a lifetime of training and application, and more than a decade of working closely with entrepreneurs, this powerful, practical method invites you into a space of ease and genuine growth.

I’ve designed three powerful containers, each tailored to different steps on your journey.

The Catalyst Session is a focused, 1-hour deep dive into a specific challenge or decision, perfect for you if you are looking for immediate clarity and a quick breakthrough.

The CEO Day is a 4-hour strategic session tailored to you if you’re ready to map out the next quarter with precision and purpose, and ideal for tackling your business model, marketing plans, or key growth strategies.

And the Soul Day, also 4 hours, offers a chance to uncover the personal blocks that may be holding you back, whether in relationships, health, or your own inner world.

Whether you need a swift push, a strategic overhaul, or deep personal transformation, there’s a path here for you.

Catalyst Session (1 Hour)

What it is:

A 1-hour private session conducted over Zoom (video or audio, your preference). I’ll dive deep into your site, project, or concept ahead of time as relevant. Expect clarity and actionable insights.

Who it’s for:

Established and emerging business owners who:

  • Are flying solo and need a smart, logical, and empathetic thinking partner

  • Have a team, but want a fresh perspective from someone who isn’t as close to the issue as they (and you) are

  • Are feeling a bit stuck and are not sure why (or you know why, but aren’t sure what to do to get unstuck)

  • Are about to send a project out the door and want an expert opinion before you “ship it”

  • Want to parse through the multiple ideas you have for your next cash flow infusion (launch, program, product, etc.) or your next quarterly revenue ideas

  • … or any other significant issue you may be facing right now

What we’ll do:

In one hour, I can help you work out a solution to a specific challenge you’re facing; decide on or sharpen your overall business strategy; apply expertise and insights to help make a tactical or strategic decision; or catalyze a significant insight or breakthrough in your thinking around either an inner (mind-based, emotional) or outer (tactical, business-oriented) obstacle — or a blend of all of the above.

Your Catalyst Session includes:

  • Core Inquiry: A brief, reflective set of questions to distill the essence of your work and your current situation. You'll receive this when you book, and it serves as a powerful standalone exercise to shape our session.

  • Pre-Session Analysis: I’ll review your relevant online presence or other materials before we meet.

  • Sixty-Minute Intensive Session: A focused, one-to-one conversation tailored to you and your business. This session is designed to be deeply personal and transformative, and is thus carefully crafted within a harm-free, non-judgmental, highly confidential container. (There’s also fun and humor involved, even when we have to travel over difficult terrain.)

  • Session Recording: You’ll receive the replay of our conversation, so you can revisit the insights and strategies whenever needed.

What you can expect from a Catalyst Session:

  • Inspiration: Whether it’s a new (revolutionary, even) product or service idea, or a fresh approach to your current offerings, your relationships (business or personal), or your entire business — you’ll leave with a clear direction forward.

  • Clarity: Tighten up the theme, strategy, or tactical plan for your next project, excavating the deeper story that’s waiting to be told.

  • Awareness: Identify repeating themes in your life and work that aren’t workable, and get simple, powerful, actionable tools to shift them.

  • Release: Pinpoint with precision the “story behind the story” about what’s holding you back — and make empowered decisions to let go.

  • Breakthroughs: Birth that million-dollar concept. Refine your current strategy. Make big plans for big impact — in the world, as well as in your own precious life.

  • Alignment: Deepen your connection to your true purpose, aligning your work with your core values.

  • Transformation: Reimagine and revamp your inner environment and your outer brand to reflect the Essential You (not the “you” formed out of expectations and rules).

  • Renewal: Generate fresh, sustainable energy to take decisive, high-impact action in your business and life.

Catalyst Sessions are not just brainstorming, they’re not just advice, and they’re not just chit-chat.

They are a space for transformative ideas and grounded next steps, a blend of joy and strategic insight. A catalyst to transformation that has the potential to change everything.

These sessions might spark a new product or service, crystallize the idea for your next book, reveal patterns in your journey, help you release long-standing patterns or beliefs, or even birth that million-dollar idea. We may deepen your connection to your core calling, reimagine your website, or reignite (or ignite) a values-driven devotion to take decisive action.

Your investment for a Catalyst Session is $697 $497 for a limited time.

Spots are limited, and the introductory price will go away soon.

After you click the button and make your payment, you’ll receive within 24 hours a welcome email with all the information you need to get started and book your session. Session times are typically between 9am and 5pm MST time, but arrangements can be made to accommodate global time zones when necessary.

CEO Day (4 Hours)

What it is:

A 4-hour intensive session designed for business owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to take a deep dive into the strategic heart of your enterprise. Conducted over Zoom (video or audio, your preference), this session is tailored and comprehensive for those who want to go beyond a quick, catalyzing burst of insight. It's for those who want to spend significant time thinking deeply about their strategy, business model, and marketing plans, leaving our day together with a solid 3-month action plan.

Who it’s for:

Business leaders who:

  • Want to refine and evolve your business strategy with a fresh, insightful perspective

  • Would love to have a dedicated block of time to think deeply and strategically about your business — without needing to hire a new team member or adopt someone else’s “system”

  • Feel the need to align your business model with current market realities and future opportunities

  • Want a focused session to map out a detailed 3-month action plan that’s aligned with your big-picture vision

  • Are ready to elevate your business from good or even great to extraordinary, by exploring new possibilities and refining existing strategies

  • … or whatever you are currently facing in your business — whether strategic, marketing, team-related, or otherwise.

What we’ll do:

In this 4-hour session, we’ll work together to assess where you are now, clarify where you want to go, and map out the exact steps to get you there. We’ll explore your current business model, dive into marketing plans, and look at your overall strategy with fresh eyes. Expect to come away with a clear, actionable plan that will guide you through the next three months.

Your CEO Day includes:

  • Core Inquiry: A brief, reflective set of questions to distill the essence of your work and your current situation. You'll receive this when you book, and it serves as a powerful standalone exercise to shape our session.

  • Pre-Session Analysis: I’ll review your business materials and current strategy, so we can hit the ground running.

  • Four-Hour Intensive Session: A deep-dive into your business strategy, conducted in a highly confidential and supportive space. Together, we’ll tackle the strategic, tactical, and experiential (mental, emotional, spiritual) aspects of your business and how you operate within it.

  • Action Plan Development: We’ll end the session with a solid, step-by-step 3-month action plan that aligns with your vision and goals.

  • Session Recording: You’ll receive the replay of our session to revisit as needed, keeping your insights and action steps at your fingertips.

What you can expect from a CEO Day:

  • Strategic Clarity: Gain a clear understanding of where your business stands and what’s needed to elevate it to the next level. We’ll dig into competitive analysis, and I’ll ask questions designed to slice through confusion and elicit a clear blue ocean in which your business can stand out and shine brilliantly and authentically.

  • Actionable Insights: Develop an achievable (not pie-in-the-sky) 3-month action plan that’s practical, strategic, and aligned with your vision and your values.

  • Renewed Focus: Spend dedicated time thinking deeply about your business without distractions (and without the unhelpful mind chatter that often muddles decision-making) — emerging with a sense of renewed focus and purpose.

  • Profitable Ideas: Uncover new opportunities and refine existing strategies that can lead to significant, even miraculous, growth and opportunity.

  • Authentic Alignment: Ensure that your business model, messaging, and marketing plans are in alignment with your values — and that your goals reflect those values rather than a patchwork quilt of tactics.

Your investment for a CEO Day is $1,997 $1,297 for a limited time.

Spots are limited, and the introductory price will go away soon.

After you click the button and make your payment, you’ll receive within 24 hours a welcome email with all the information you need to get started and book your session. Session times are typically between 9am and 5pm MST time, but arrangements can be made to accommodate global time zones when necessary.

Soul Day (4 Hours)

What it is:

A 4-hour transformative session designed for folks, entrepreneurial or otherwise, who sense that something deeper may be holding you back from what you most want in life. Conducted over Zoom (video or audio, your preference), this session goes deep, aiming to uncover the root of what’s blocking your progress — whether it’s related to personal relationships, health, or common creative challenges like procrastination (on one end of the spectrum) or overworking (on the other). This is where creative, business-or-life-changing strategy meets personal evolution.

Who it’s for:

Heart-led, passionate, ambitious folks who:

  • Suspect that there are deeper, underlying issues affecting your ability to move forward on what matters most to you in your business and life

  • Feel your personal life or health may be impacting your business success, creative endeavors, or important relationships (or all of the above)

  • Are dealing with recurring patterns of procrastination and busywork OR overwork and burnout (or an unpredictable swing back and forth through the two) — with little long-term reward to show for it

  • Want to explore and heal the root causes of these challenges, leading to breakthroughs in both your personal and professional life

  • Are ready for a method that cuts through the fluff and integrates personal insight and discovery with powerful action, leading to whole-life transformation

What we’ll do:

In this 4-hour session, we’ll go beyond surface-level issues to explore what’s truly holding you back. Together, we’ll identify and address personal blocks, whether they’re rooted in relationships, health, or habitual patterns. This is a day, just for you, where deep personal work meets strategic action, allowing you to move forward with renewed energy and clarity.

Your Soul Day includes:

  • Core Inquiry: A brief, reflective set of questions to distill the essence of your current situation. You'll receive this when you book, and it serves as a powerful starting point, ensuring that our session addresses the root of what’s holding you back.

  • Pre-Session Analysis: I’ll review your relevant materials and any personal reflections you wish to share before we meet, so our time together is focused and productive.

  • Four-Hour Deep Dive: A supportive and confidential space where we’ll explore the intersection of your personal and professional life, addressing both emotional and practical challenges.

  • Breakthrough Action Steps: We’ll conclude with a clear set of action steps that address both the personal and professional aspects of your challenges, paving the way for holistic progress.

  • Session Recording: You’ll receive a replay of our session, allowing you to revisit the insights and strategies as you continue your journey.

What you can expect from a Soul Day:

  • Life-Changing Insights: Uncover and truly understand the root causes of what’s been holding you back, whether personal or professional.

  • Holistic Transformation: Experience deep inner healing paired with potent tools you can take with you that will create a ripple effect of transformation throughout your personal and professional life.

  • Renewed Energy: Move past habits of either procrastination or overwork, or through any other blocks that are keeping you stuck, exhausted, or discouraged — and emerge with a clear, logical and heart-led path forward.

  • Aligned Action: Develop a set of doable action steps that are aligned with your personal values and professional goals (we’ll focus not on what you could or should do, but on what you will do).

  • Empowering Clarity: Gain a deeper understanding of how your inner world impacts your outer world and vice versa, allowing you to make both personal and professional decisions from a place of true power vs. control or over-functioning.

Your investment for a Soul Day is $1,997 $1,297 for a limited time.

Spots are limited, and the introductory price will go away soon.

After you click the button and make your payment, you’ll receive within 24 hours a welcome email with all the information you need to get started and book your session. Session times are typically between 9am and 5pm MST time, but arrangements can be made to accommodate global time zones when necessary.

  • "Helen creates a safe, supportive space and shares her wisdom and expertise from a different perspective than I've ever heard before. She's held me to my highest always and believed in me, even when I didn't fully believe in myself. She's funny, kind, wise, warm and oh so generous, with a special fierce, gentle, rare level of commitment to her clients' success."

    Diane Johnston

  • "WOW - I gotta say I've certainly NEVER heard it this way. I mean and I have a fucking masters degree in transpersonal psychology. It's like you're the modern day Joseph Campbell with a twist, Helen. Good stuff."

    Sarah Nicotra

  • "Just ONE simple piece of advice she gave me 4 years ago played a huge part in shaping my marketing efforts so they felt far less stressful and way more aligned with how I love to move through the world. She’s on my speed dial and, if you can get her on yours, your business (and life) will be better for it."

    Erika Lyremark

  • "My time with Helen was not transactional, it was transformational and so much better than a list of things I’ve achieved or obtained (though I have that too!), I've uncovered the woman who knows exactly who she is at her core. And that is utterly priceless. Helen helped me to love myself - she helped me see what a gift I am to the world - and I now see how important that recognition is to being able to actually go out and manifest your truest desires."

    Elisha Ward

  • “Helen is a master marketer who goes above and beyond with every encounter. She blew me away each time we spoke, and all I could do was try to absorb her wisdom like a sponge. If you need a powerful marketing guru, Helen's the queen."

    S. M. Boyce

  • “Helen showed up in my life just as I was deciding to take my business in a slightly different direction. Her clarity and insight as a marketing & branding strategist enabled me to launch this new focus with style and intention. I now have a cohesive brand message to share with potential clients. Plus, she’s a whole lot of fun to work with!”

    Carole Hyder

  • “After hiring coach after coach and trying program after program, working with Helen was such a relief. For years I was pushing against blocks and resistance, feeling like couldn't hold up to the expectations of the coach I was working with or complete the process I was following. Coaching with Helen was completely different. I have done a lot of work over the past few years - but nothing has landed for me in the way this has. I made more progress working with Helen than I have in the past five years."

    Natanya Lara

The Third Option Method is all about achieving deep, lasting transformation without harm.

It’s a way of gaining loving leverage with yourself, enabling you to move forward with ease and joy. You'll accomplish more in less time and access creative energy with ease.

You don’t need more of the harmful “life hacks” that drain your energy and leave you exhausted.

Toxic personal development trends are like spiritual junk food—short-lived and unsatisfying.

Instead, the Third Option Method offers nourishing soul food that activates your true genius.

You'll connect with your Essential Self, embracing compassion and courage and calling upon the miraculous power within you.

I love working with forward-thinking people who are ready to break through barriers and reach their full potential. These sessions are all about uncovering hidden opportunities, breaking free from limiting patterns, and realigning your path with purpose.

I’m not your typical coach; I’m a practical, intuitive guide who blends scientific reasoning, real-world experience, and a touch of magic and inspiration.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated by coaching that tried to mold you into someone else’s vision, I get it. I’ve been there and felt the judgment and the pressure to conform to someone else’s ideas or system. What I know for sure is that true transformation doesn’t come from following someone else’s plan—it comes from exploring your own inner world and discovering what truly works for you.

That’s what makes Third Option Coaching different.

I’m not here to tell you what worked for me (though I do practice what I preach). Instead, I bring together evidence-based psychotherapeutic methods, sharp strategic insights, and a deep respect for who you are and where you want to go. It’s about combining practical strategy with self-compassion, creating a space where real, lasting transformation can happen.

The result? Breakthroughs that resolve even the most stubborn challenges, both inside and out

Are you up for a significant shift in your life?

Let’s turn the impossible into possible, and create your best and brightest future.

Catalyst Session


For a Limited Time

  • Core Inquiry to inform and shape our session.

  • Pre-Session Analysis so I am deeply familiar with you before we meet.

  • Sixty-Minute Intensive Session tailored to you and your business, within a harm-free, non-judgmental, highly confidential container.

  • Session Recording so you can revisit the insights and strategies whenever you like.



For a Limited Time

  • Core Inquiry to distill the essence of your work and your current situation.

  • Pre-Session Analysis to hit the ground running.

  • Four-Hour Intensive Session to tackle the strategic, tactical, and experiential (mental, emotional, spiritual) aspects of your business and how you operate within it.

  • Action Plan Development that aligns with your vision and goals.

  • Session Recording to revisit as needed, keeping your insights and action steps at your fingertips.



For a Limited Time

  • Core Inquiry to ensure our session addresses the root of what’s holding you back.

  • Pre-Session Analysis to keep our time focused.

  • Four-Hour Deep Dive to explore both emotional and practical challenges you’re currently facing.

  • Breakthrough Action Steps that address both the personal and professional aspects of your challenges.

  • Session Recording so you can revisit the insights and strategies anytime.

About Helen, your coach and partner in this adventure.

Hi, I’m Helen Hunter Mackenzie, your guide on this transformative journey. With over thirty years of business experience, a lifetime of learning and application, and more than twelve years of impactful coaching, I bring a blend of deep expertise and intuitive insight to our work together.

Here’s what you need to know: I’m not here to fit you into a pre-designed mold or system. My approach is about authentic, lasting transformation—finding your unique path and walking it with clarity, joy, and purpose. I’m all about helping you navigate challenges with courage and compassion, guided by logic, reason and strategic thinking so you can achieve meaningful, lasting change.

If you’ve found past coaching experiences to be off-putting or overwhelming, you’ll find the Third Option approach refreshingly different. We’ll explore your inner world with curiosity, love, and humor — and align it with practical, effective strategies that get results. Together, we’ll turn challenges into opportunities and help you reach your fullest potential on this beautiful adventure called YOUR life.

Questions? Reach out and we’ll respond prompty.

Truth: Running a business isn’t for the faint of heart.

As the steward of your own business, you're called upon to:

  • Define your vision and your mission

  • Craft a message that resonates with your ideal customers

  • Develop and perfect your sales process

  • Design products that wow

  • Manage and lead yourself and your team

  • Systemize and streamline operations

  • Keep a constant eye on your cash flow

  • And more…

It's no wonder so many business owners and entrepreneurs aren’t thriving — even when their businesses are “successful.”

Sadly, I’ve seen many smart, enthusiastic entrepreneurs close their doors over the years because the stress and uncertainty became too much. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, of course — but if the desire is in your heart to express yourself in the world through a business, I truly believe it’s within your capacity.

And here's the thing: while stress is inevitable as an entrepreneur, struggle is optional. There is ALWAYS a way forward.

With the Third Option™ Method you’ll learn to harness the power of your mind, devote your energy to what counts, and create a business that’s not just prosperous, but sustainable and aligned with your values. And yes, you’ll have a whole lot more fun doing it!

The business you envision is within your reach. Ready to make it happen? Choose your session below and let’s get started!

Catalyst Session


For a Limited Time

  • Core Inquiry to inform and shape our session.

  • Pre-Session Analysis so I am deeply familiar with you before we meet.

  • Sixty-Minute Intensive Session tailored to you and your business, within a harm-free, non-judgmental, highly confidential container.

  • Session Recording so you can revisit the insights and strategies whenever you like.



For a Limited Time

  • Core Inquiry to distill the essence of your work and your current situation.

  • Pre-Session Analysis to hit the ground running.

  • Four-Hour Intensive Session to tackle the strategic, tactical, and experiential (mental, emotional, spiritual) aspects of your business and how you operate within it.

  • Action Plan Development that aligns with your vision and goals.

  • Session Recording to revisit as needed, keeping your insights and action steps at your fingertips.



For a Limited Time

  • Core Inquiry to ensure our session addresses the root of what’s holding you back.

  • Pre-Session Analysis to keep our time focused.

  • Four-Hour Deep Dive to explore both emotional and practical challenges you’re currently facing.

  • Breakthrough Action Steps that address both the personal and professional aspects of your challenges.

  • Session Recording so you can revisit the insights and strategies anytime.