No-nonsense, practical strategies for service-based, transformational entrepreneurs who want to grow their business to 6+ figures, create life-changing results for their clients, and stop overcomplicating everything.
The Surprising Truth About Hard Work & Why It Might Be Blocking Your Success
The amount of energy that’s often unconsciously funneled into information, plans, unprofitable ideas and products, tools, software, and clients is astounding.
Why Your Vision Board Isn’t Working (The Truth About “Manifesting”)
If you’re working on a belief that you need to be able to “receive” a lot more money, for example — what you’re NOT working on is the belief about how money comes into your life.
How to Heal from Toxic Personal Development Culture
I recently read an article by someone popular in the personal development space about “motion” vs. “action,” and it was full of frustrating logical fallacies.
6 Principles to Do What Matters Most
It can become so easy to lose sight of what truly matters to us — the soul-deep desires we’re here to fulfill. We can feel the impulse to jump on every trend or throw our energy (mental, spiritual, emotional, and even physical) into every “problem” that appears on the landscape of our lives.
If you’re working on a belief that you need to be able to “receive” a lot more money, for example — what you’re NOT working on is the belief about how money comes into your life.